Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Stunnware Fetch Xml Doesn't show the attribute of an entity

If you use the Fetch Xml Wizard from Stunnware sometimes you may face an issue where the Wizard doesn't show one of the attributes which you added to an entity in the Attribute Picker. This happened to me recently and when i did a little investigation i figured out that the Wizard maintains a offline metadata cache for your organization in "%localappdata%\Stunnware\Stunnware Tools Metadata Cache" folder to improve performance.
Now sometimes the cache doesn't get refreshed after you make a change in the CRM metadata on the server. To fix this you need to exit the stunnware tools wizard and delete the folder from the path "%localappdata%\Stunnware\Stunnware Tools Metadata Cache" and boom you'd see your changes being reflected on the wizard.




Anonymous said...

Can you please mail me stunnware fetchxml wizard for crm2011, my mail id

Anonymous said...

Can you please mail me fetchxml builder/wizard for crm2011 -

luckyabhishek said...

Use this link to download